Caroline Aciely

Recruitment Specialist, Meridia
Caroline Aciely

Caroline is a Recruitment Specialist who excels at building strong relationships with exceptional talent across Newfoundland and Labrador. Her primary goal is to match the right candidate with the right business, ensuring a positive impact on their success.

With a background in Sales and Account Management, Caroline transitioned into recruitment and selection 4 years ago. Her primary recruitment experience is in Tech, having branched out to other industries in the past year. Caroline’s experience recruiting for the hot and changing technology market, has allowed her to become more agile, focused and detail oriented as a recruiter. 

Education, Certifications & Awards:    

  • Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin. 
  • Master of Employment Relations from Memorial University of Newfoundland (Summer, 2023). 

Passions and Personal Interests: 

  • Born and raised in Brazil and lived in Wisconsin, USA for a few years before moving to St. John’s, Newfoundland a year ago.  
  • Enjoys being out in in nature, especially going on hikes and exploring the outdoors with her husband.  
Caroline Aciely